
We have been avid bicyclists since the mid-1970s.

When Bikecentennial (now Adventure Cycling) was formed, we joined and immediately became interested in bike touring.

Our first tours were a five day bike tour through the Colorado Rockies in 1978 and a two week bike trip from Dallas to Franklin, IN in 1979.

That prepared us for our 1980 cross country bike tour which you can read about here.

After our 1980 trip, we bike toured in Minnesota and completed several bike trips with the Plano, TX Parks and Recreation Department.

Most recently, we rode the Great Allegheny Passage in 2021 and 2022. The GAP goes from Pittsburgh, PA to Cumberland, MD. Read about the trips here.

We have also taken part in numerous bike events over the years, including riding in the first ten Hotter ‘N Hell Hundred Bike Rides.

We have owned several bikes over the years, including road bikes, mountain bikes, and a tandem. Our bikes of choice these days are a Jones Plus LWB for Don and a Trek Powerfly 5 for Kay.

We are retired from their careers — Don from parks and recreation and Kay from education. Don is a Licensed Cycling Instructor, and we both are Bike Ambassadors with the Plano, Texas Parks and Recreation Department. We alternate our time between a home in Texas and cabin in New Mexico.